Flite Line Rental Club
Flite Line operates a rental club at the Region of Waterloo International Airport of Cessna 172s. It is limited to licensed pilots only however upgrade training with the aircraft is permitted. Currently only we only have 1 Cessna 172 online with another in maintenance with the goal of having two online by summer.
Online Schedule
Flite Line uses Fly Chronos for our online schedule. It has integration with our aircraft maintenance software for reporting discrepancies and checking flight status before booking.
Cessna 172M: $180.00 per hour Wet.
Check Out
An initial full aircraft checkout is required when first starting. After a yearly check flight is required. 60 Day currency required.
Cessna 172M, C-FGRI

- Cessna 172M with RAM 160 HP Engine Upgrade
- Interior updated 2018
- Reiff engine pre-heat kit for winter ops
- IFR Certified aircraft with ADSB, WAAS and LPV

- G5 Attitude and G5 HSI
- L3 Lynx with TAS
- Garmin GNC 355 GPS/COMM, GNC 255 NAV/COMM, GMA 245
- GI275 EIS with Fuel